Fehl-, Falsch- und Desinformation aus dem Blickwinkel der Informationswissenschaften
Hauff-Hartig, Stefan. Fehl-, Falsch- und Desinformation aus dem Blickwinkel der Informationswissenschaften: lassen sich Manipulationen im Internet durch informationswissenschaftliche Methoden identifizieren? /Stefan Hauff-Hartig. Berlin : Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen, 2018. 77 S.
Reader, come home
Reader, come home: the reading brain in a digital world /Maryanne Wolf. New Yor : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2018. viii, 260 p.
The enchanted hour
Gurdon, Meghan Cox. The enchanted hour : the miraculous power of reading aloud in the age of distraction /Meghan Cox Gurdon. New York : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2019. 278 p.
Rīgas Centrālās bibliotēkas bibliotekāru atmiņu grāmata
Rīgas Centrālās bibliotēkas bibliotekāru atmiņu grāmata /sastādītāja Inta Sallinene. Rīga : Rīgas Centrālā bibliotēka, 2020. 344 lpp.
Diversity and inclusion in libraries
Diversity and inclusion in libraries : a call to action and strategies for success /edited by Shannon D. Jones, Beverly Murphy. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. xviii, 192 p.